
Shubham Prasad this side, Thanks for coming here.

If you found this page via search, then i can assure that you are in love with Graphic Designs and Vectors

If thats so, you are in the right place.

If Not, then you will start loving designing from Now on. 

I recently started #DAILYLOGOCHALLENGE , in which you recieve daily challenges or tasks in your logo designing experience. They daily provide you some logo prompt and brief related to the logo you have to make.

And you can share your results with using a Hashtag, #DailyLogoChallenge .

You can see my daily logo journey in these blog, make sure you follow our Blog.

To see previous post of this challenge, click here.

Day 3 of #DailyLogoChallenge

This is my Day 3 of Daily Logo Challenge,

And the brief was to make a logo for a Wildlife Sanctuary named Trust Sanctuary , for endangered animals

I tried to make it catchy and i added some wild touch in this logo.

I chose the Main Alphabet "T" from the TRUST, and made it look like an antelope to give the wild touch to the logo.

Here are some Prototypes and mockup, hope you like those.

Trust sanctuary logo
Trust Sanctuary Logo

Antelope Logo
Wildlife Logo Prototype

Trust Sanctuary Reception
Trust Sanctuary Reception Hall

Trust Sanctuary Inquiry Desk
Reception Hall prototype #2

Trust Sanctuary Business cards
Business Card Stacked

Trust Sanctuary Business card
Business Cards

Trust logo tshirts
Trust Sanctuary Staff T-Shirt

Gold-printed Boxes Prototype

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Shubham prasad blog logo

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